When we start using recipes, we may want to get some information about the ingredients we are using. This Glossary offers some of that information. Hover over the slightly highlighted Keywords to see an Image, a Description and a link to a related website for detailed information.
Daikon is the long and white Asian variety of Radish. One benefit that you can get from daikon is its ability to improve digestion, thanks to an enzyme called diastase, which helps relieve indigestion, heartburn and may even curb hangovers. Discover the many benefits and culinary uses of daikon, and why you will not regret adding it to your diet.
Click here for nutritional information about Daikon (White Radish). -
Cow's milk is the best source of calcium and vitamin D in the diet. Milk is a rich source of protein too. This nutritious drink is perfect for balancing a meal or as a snack. Depending on the type of cow's milk you select, the nutrition facts will vary accordingly, especially regarding the calories and fat content.
Click here for nutritional information about Milk. -
The benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia, sexual dysfunctions, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions. Dates also help in healthy weight gain. They are rich in several vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Click here for nutritional information about Dates.
thanks for shared information
I appreciate the information you stated here. More power to your blogging career
I admired the information you are giving! Thanks
I love what I read here. Thanks for sharing the nutritional values of these vegetables.