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Versatile Foodie has a Glossary

Herbs and Spices

Basic Cooking Tips

Fruits and Vegetables


When we start using recipes, we may want to get some information about the ingredients we are using. This Glossary offers some of that information. Hover over the slightly highlighted Keywords to see an Image, a Description and a link to a related website for detailed information.

  • Hing

    Asafoetida (Hing) has amazing medicinal properties, especially good for reactions from allergies or insect stings. Someone had such a severe reaction and the face puffed up. When 3 or four small, raw Asafoetida pieces were inserted into small banana pieces and swallowed, it gradually reduced the puffiness and was cured in about 30 minutes. Given its numerous therapeutic and curative powers, this spice is also referred to as the ‘Food of the Gods’.

    By itself, Asafoetida has a strong smell. But when cooked the smell disappears or adds a nice subtle flavor. It is an acquired taste, but worth it. It is called "Perungayam" in Tamil.

    Visit this Site for information about Hing/Asafoetida.

    asafetida-wm-opt Asafoetida-Hing
  • Honeydew Melon

    Honeydew melon makes a refreshing treat on a hot summer day, but it’s also a low-calorie and healthy choice any time you need to feed a craving for sweets. Whether enjoyed fresh or added to a fruit salad, honeydew delivers iron, B vitamins and essential nutrients.

    Click here for nutritional information about Honeydew Melon.

    Honeydew Melon full Honeydew Melon chunks

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