When we start using recipes, we may want to get some information about the ingredients we are using. This Glossary offers some of that information. Hover over the slightly highlighted Keywords to see an Image, a Description and a link to a related website for detailed information.
A favorite among low-carb dieters and anyone who wants to lose weight fast, zucchini has a very low score on the glycemic index. Due to its high water percentage, zucchini is low in calories, carbs and sugars, but high in essential nutrients like potassium, manganese, and antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin A. To add more filling volume to your meals with little extra calories, you can use zucchini in a variety of different cuisines and recipes: a healthy raw snack, dip, side dish or even vegetarian entrée.
thanks for shared information
I appreciate the information you stated here. More power to your blogging career
I admired the information you are giving! Thanks
I love what I read here. Thanks for sharing the nutritional values of these vegetables.