Dosa Recipe (Plain & Masala Dosa with Veggie Filling)

Dosa Recipe (Plain & Masala Dosa with Veggie Filling)

Dosa is a gourmet dish, even in India in some places, except for South India where Dosa (called Dosai) is a staple food item, enjoyed almost every day. It has become very popular in North India too. Masala Dosa, pronounced “Masaala Dosa”, is a Plain Dosa, but filled with Spiced Veggie Flling.

You can buy a good quality Dosa Mix in an Indian Grocery Store. Or you can make your own too if you like. The process of making Dosa Mix is a multi-step process. First you have to soak the grains. After several hours of soaking, you have to grind them and prepare a batter like pancake mix. Then you have to ferment it overnight in a warm place or in a conventional oven with just the warmth of the lights turned on. Then the next day you can actually make the Dosas. But once you have the batter, you can refrigerate it and use it over several days, in several ways.

While the Dosa can be prepared quite simply like a pancake, it can also be made into a large, thin and crispy Dosa. It can be plain dosa, or an assorted variety of side dishes and condiments can be prepared to go with a Masala Dosa. The Links for the Recipes of all these side dishes have been provided below.

Hover over the highlighted Keywords below for Images and/or Description of some of the Ingredients:
Avocado, Cilantro, Coconut, Green Chillies, Onions

The left over Dosa batter can be used the next couple of days to prepare another gourmet item, “A Veggie Dosa with onions, green chillies and cilantro”. This is usually made like a thin pancake. The Link for this Recipe has been provided below.

Masala Dosa...Crispy

Masala Dosa…Crispy

Masala Dosa...with spicy veggies

Masala Dosa…with spicy veggies

Dosa Recipe (Plain & Masala Dosa with Veggie Filling)

Serves 10 - 15
Dietary Diabetic, Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Meal type Breakfast, Lunch, Main Dish
Misc Child Friendly, Gourmet, Pre-preparable, Serve Hot
Region Indian


  • 4 cups Dosa Mix
  • 1 Non-stick Large Flat Griddle
  • 1/4 cup Olive, Avocado or Sesame Oil
  • 2 cups Masala Potatoes
  • 2 cups Coconut Chutney
  • 2 cups Sambar
  • 1/4 cup Coarse Idli Powder (Condiment - available in indian grocery stores)
  • 1 Non-stick Flat Spatula (To turn and invert the Dosa)


Dosa is like classical music. It is an acquired taste, but once you like it, it grows on you. It can be dressed down and be simple and extremely healthy. Or, it can be dressed up with filling, stuffing and spicy side dishes, but still healthy.
Making a Dosa is, in some ways, an Art. But the steps appear difficult only when you prepare the dish for the first time. It is like describing how you walk; it is easier done than described. When you make it a few times, it will be found that the efforts are worthwhile.
Consider the first Dosa as an experiment, even when you become an expert. Make it small, about 6 to 8 inches in diameter the first time. If it does not come out right, throw it away and continue.
The left over batter can be refrigerated and used to make Veggie Dosa's (with Onions, Green Chillies and Cilantro) another day. (Recipe shown below.)

Serving Suggestions:
1) Serve hot with a bowl of hot Sambar, Coconut Chutney and/or Coarse Idli Powder mixed with one teaspoon of oil as a condiment.
2) You don't have to always serve the Dosa as a Masala Dosa with filling. You can serve what is called 'Saada Dosa', meaning 'Plain Dosa'. For this you make the Dosa, just fold it and serve it with a side dish.
3) It is customary in India to sometimes serve children with the Plain Dosa accompanied by jam or sugar mixed with clarified butter.

Recipes for the Side Dishes and Dosa from Leftover Batter:

My Recipe for "Preparing Dosa Mix" is here.
My Recipe for "Masala Potatoes" is here.
My Recipe for "Coconut Chutney" is here.
My Recipe for "Sambar" is here.
My Recipe for "Dosa Recipe for leftover Dosa or Idli batter" is here.


Step 1

If you are making Masala Dosas, please follow the recipes shown above and make the Chutney and Masala Potatoes. Also have Sambar and Dosai Powder ready as side dishes, if you prefer. Have them ready before making the Dosas.

Step 2

Now make the Dosas. Have a bowl of water ready. Keep a wet wad of paper towel handy.

Step 3

Place a large flat griddle or skillet on medium heat. Griddle can be square or round. Non-stick griddle or skillet is preferable.

Step 4

Add 1/2 teaspoon of oil. Using the non-stick spatula, spread the oil all over the griddle. The 'pancake turner' shown here has a short handle. It would be preferable to use one with a longer handle, especially when you are making large Dosas.

Step 5

If the griddle is hot, lower the heat and sprinkle a little water on top of the griddle. Then using the wet paper towel wad, carefully swipe all over the griddle. This will help to swirl the batter smoothly (see picture).

Step 6

Add one ladle of Dosa Mix in the center of the griddle. (Note : If it is the first Dosa, make a small one. Even if you are an expert, it is better to start with a small one. So add half a ladle of Dosa mix in the center of the griddle. If you are an expert and you want to make a large one, add one and a half to 2 ladles of batter.)

Step 7

As soon as you add the Dosa mix, start gently swirling or twirling the batter from the center, spirally outward, as large and as thin as possible, to make it look like a flat swirled Frisbee, if you will. (See picture). If the griddle is too hot, you will not be able to swirl the batter smoothly. The batter will cling to the center in bunches. In that case, just smooth the batter as best as you can. The Dosa will still be tasty, but will not be as flat, thin and crispy as it can be. With more and more practice you will become an expert pretty soon!

Step 8

Increase the heat to medium to high depending upon the stove burner. Add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon oil all around the edges of the Dosa. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of oil or clarified butter or ghee here and there over the Dosa.

Step 9

Let it cook for about 1 minute or so, until the batter looks dried up and cooked and the edges look golden brown. Don't let it burn.

Step 10

When the edges look golden brown, and the Dosa batter looks dried up, using the spatula or turner, gently loosen up the edges around the Dosa, little by little. If the batter sticks, let it cook a little more.

Step 11

Loosen the Dosa around the edges deeper and deeper until the center is also free of sticking on to the griddle.

Step 12

Using the turner or spatula, gently lift the whole Dosa from the center, and quickly invert the Dosa back on to the griddle. (If it folds up or falls somewhere else, don't worry, unfold or place it back. You can also trash it and start fresh!)

Step 13

If the Dosa came out well and if you want to make a Masala Dosa, continue with Step 14. If you just want to serve plain Dosas, serve the Dosa immediately or place it in a proper container. Serve plain dosas with a cup or bowl of hot Sambar, Chutney and Coarse Idli Powder mixed with a teaspoon on oil, on the side. Repeat Steps 5 through 13 until you are done.

Step 14

Keep the heat on the lowest possible setting. Spread a tablespoon of Coconut Chutney all over the Dosa.

Step 15

Place 1/4 cup of Masala potatoes in the center of the Dosa.

Coconut Chutney...Yummy
Step 16

Gentle fold one side over the mix, then the other side over.

Masala Potato..Delicious as a layer in a sandwich
Step 17

Place the Dosa with the folded side down on a serving plate.

Masala Dosa...Crispy
Step 18

Serve the Masala Dosa hot with a cup or bowl of hot Sambar, more Chutney and Coarse Idli Powder mixed with a teaspoon on oil on the side.

Step 19

Perform Steps 5 through 18 for the rest of the Masala Dosa's.
Tasty Okra Curry
Sambar with Bell Peppers

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