Helpful Cooking Tips – Set 1
When we learn to cook or start cooking without learning, it is very helpful to know a few things in advance. They could help eliminate stress and waste of time and money. Here are some tips.
- Wear an apron. Sooner or later, sauces and spices are bound to scatter or spill. Color from Turmeric and other such ingredients cannot be washed off easily from your clothes.
~~~~ - Have a lid ready for either the sauce, saute or frying pan. When necessary, you can immediately use it.
~~~~ - Make sure you have a turner or spoon or ladle handy before you start making the dish.
~~~~ - Before you start preparing a dish, make sure that you have all the ingredients for the recipe available.
~~~~ - Preparation of ingredients increases efficiency and makes cooking fun. For example, before you start cooking, peel and cut vegetables, have flour etc. measured and placed in small containers, have spices ready and so on.